Monday, May 5, 2014

Where is Everyone?!

Hey aren't so of you guys supposed to be keeping track and yelling at me for updates?? I guess I need to find a way to better motivate myself to write... I stare at it on my earnings list and am like I will get to it... then never do. So before I could do that again this week, I figured I would get my head out of the sand and get to it. It is amusing because I always look back to my last post to see where I left off... and the title surely did not last very long... whoopsies.

Things have been absolutely amazing and hectic in the same instant. Weeks are flying by without even a blink of an eye. On one hand its been a blast, on the other I truly wish everything would slow down so I could A) keep up; B) process everything that has happened; and C) simply appreciate it all a little more.

As mentioned above I would normally start where I left off, but I am a bit too scattered brained today to read through it all so I shall just start rambling and hope something productive comes of it. Better to write something, than nothing at all, right?

The end of April/beginning of May have brought a ridiculous amount of awesomeness!!

1) With any luck I will close my first sale from lead to customer this week.

2) I am going to A LOT of networking events -- not all are good, but I am definitely feeling much more comfortable and think I am making some good connections.

3) I have gotten my weekends back (mostly) and utilizing them to the max and I could not be more thankful. I have really started to bloom some amazing friendships here that I am absolutely grateful for.

4) Logan and I have made things official and I am really enjoying being in a real relationship. Everything is still new and we have lots to learn about each other, but he seems to kind my crazy OCD quirks oddly endearing. His laid back style has definitely helped me to loosen the reins a little bit.

5) The roommate and I get along mostly well for the most part -- he also does surprisingly well with my very strict nature when it comes to certain things and is good enough about taking everything else in stride.

6) I keep trying to work myself out of Taft, but they keep finding more things for me to work on... which is fine enough I guess. Mind as well bank as much money as possible before I move.

7) I really need to start narrowing down WHERE I want to live next in CO. With all of the networking events I am doing, I am driving a lot and its starting to get frustrating having to drive an hour places thanks to crazy traffic.

8) Additionally, this is really making me buckle down and try to pay off the personal loan I took out for my truck and credit cards because I really would like to downsize my vehicle exponentially, but I
refuse to take on a car payment with a fairly large loan payment on top of student loans.

9) This week I will start in with the many docs I need/want to see to hopefully get me back in a positive healthy state of being. I still want to start seeing a therapist or something simply because there is a lot going on and I have slipped into not great places a few times since I have been here and I would really like to avoid any further major breakdowns. I'm starting to be concerned my ulcers are back so yea that will be fun. And hopefully between some probably really expensive allergy testing and a nutritionist I can help get a better handle on this Fibro stuff and my persistent exhaustion.

10) Along the same lines I seriously need to find a workout partner because I truly do not push myself hard enough nor do I hold myself accountable when I do not uphold my plans or even ignored desire to work out.

11) I am taking a couple courses online right now, in part for me and part for my job and I am pretty excited about what is to come from the one entitled Better Leader, Richer Life -- you should all check out it has some many great FREE courses to take.

Tried out a slightly different style than usual. Just trying to keep my thoughts in order and concise. I hope I am just suffering from allergies and its not another cold going on, but my head has been a bit fuzzy all day. Well its been a productive day today and have a very full week ahead.
Hoping to check in more often, but we all know I have said that before.

Take Care,
