Monday, January 13, 2014

New Year, New Me.. Not Quite So Much

Many people at the New Year resolve to have a NEW THEM... not I! I like me, quite a bit and while there shall be some positive changes then general make up of who I am and what I am about will stand firm and strong.

With that being said some plans for the New Year if you will.

Health! Last year I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and this means that I need to start making some changes in my life in order to assist in easing the pain and fatigue associated with it. So that means daily exercise. Going back to an elimination diet (although like the last time I did this I think I will be waiting until after my birthday lol). And the most important part of the puzzle is more and better sleep... this one is going to be difficult, because in order to do that I need a career/job change.

So that is the next step... new job, career, maybe school, maybe some certifications... We shall see what comes... While I want to make this a priority, however, I am putting a bit more focus into working fitness into my schedule first, as I know that is the hardest for me to keep up with. I have to get into a rythme with that and then I can add into my schedule the next time consuming thing. I do have one resume in to a company in Boulder that would be a great opportunity, still waiting to hear back.

My visit home was amazing and chaotic and I am pretty sure my liver hated me for a good three days after getting back lol. It was amazing seeing everyone and spending time with family and friends. Finally meeting chele's guy Dan, copious amounts of time with the niece and nephew, and even a couple good fashioned Roaster nights. Boston was fabulous, NY was fun and really made me want to get back on the pole.

And of course there is always adventures! There are too be many more adventures in 2014. Checking out Wyoming and Utah. Probably another trip to OK for Abby's baby shower. First ski/snowboard trip of the year to Winter Park with Tony for our Bdays to see Joe! And hopefully with a new job will mean new adventures too!

Here is to a good year... and hopefully a better record of updating this thing haha