Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Feeling Good

Well its been a pretty productive (comparatively speaking) week. There are still a lot of things I need and want to get accomplished, but at least I am not being a bump on the log like last month. Still not back to the gym yet, but I started doing my home exercises and PT. The knees came back in relatively good condition, but I need to start PT on those too and we are going forward with some shots that will hopefully help minimize the pain for at least a year. I will keep working on getting to the gym.

I had a good time at our Halloween party for Toastmasters and heading out with the ladies in Denver. It was nice to get out and hang out with some people. Had a great weekend to start off the month at the club money wise which was greatly appreciated.

I spent Sunday - Tuesday at Tony's. It is breathtaking out there... and getting there. I swear this whole state just has so much beauty. Tony's was great!! Soo relaxing and his house is chaotic and awesomely filled with love! 5 dogs, 4 adults and 2 kids... it was hysterical and loud and a lot to handle, but it reminded me of being home with my family and it made me very sad to have to leave. Shamus is honestly an amazing little kid. And Tony... well I don't know how to not like him... His dad is awesome! Plus we got to go four wheeling and shoot guns. Tony took me to check out the canyons and I felt like a 5 year old just in complete aw of everything. I was very sad it was over -- with the exception of getting back to my soft comfy bed haha.

I am the only leasing consultant in the office this week so I am hoping to make some big moves and rent a bunch of stuff. Additionally, I really want to get back to looking toward the future and starting to make necessary changes to lead me on a better path... one that is more mentally stimulating and challenging. Here is to looking forward and getting things done!
