Monday, June 17, 2013

Lost in chaos

I am pretty sure I may have forgotten my own name a few times over the last month... THREE jobs, 70ish hours a week, Toastmasters (gave a very mediocre speech), Dog Walking for the Humane Society, Online class, thinking about how I can get my dream company to hire me... moving...  oo and some semblance of a personal life... I honestly am not sure how I am keeping it all in line.


- I moved in with my boss and then house/dog sat for her for a couple weeks while she was in mexico... Seriously she is one of the best bosses I have ever had!
- I moved into a house for a summer sublet with 2 guys -- its pretty cool, major bonuses are the pool table and 60 inch projector screen which is awesome for watching the bruins games -- yes even some girls appreciate this type of stuff.
       > has my first outing with one of the roommates and the others gf and that was a great time!
- Scheduled to lease an apartment for mid-July... in serious need of finding a roommate... OO and getting my crap to CO... woohoo lots of money being spent that I have not saved up yet... :-/

- I was dating a guy from work named Rick. He is awesome, a complete smart ass, very educated, has a 6 year old daughter who he is amazing with, and is very funny and ambitious (in certain ways)
- We stopped dating... issues, but nothing that will end a friendship or our hanging out
                > spent father's day with him and his daughter and had an awesome day of games and crawdad aka craw-fish hunting and eating

- I am slowly making new friends here. Between the different jobs and roommates, it is nice to get to know people. I have discovered if people allow for it, I am a complete chatter box. Have I always been like this!?!?
- Everyone here that I have meet from the East coast says they will never return. I am not completely sold yet, but who knows if that is the string ties pull tightly.

- Car is a piece of crap, needs more work. I am hoping one of the guys from job 3 (aka the club) will be able to fix it for cheap
- Got an AWESOME!! FREE!!!!! bicycle! Today was my first day on it... not going to lie, it was a little unnerving, having not been on a bike for a long time

This is an abbreviated post, but I just wanted to give a quick, run of the mill update. I am hoping the club will put me on the bar soon. Sadly, it will be more hours, but it will be a whole lot extra money, which I could really use. I probably need to look into opening a bank account out here for convenience issues. And I need to do some serious research into moving companies... Ah guess my day off tomorrow will not be as relaxing and carefree as Sunday... alas, the perils of being an adult with entirely too many responsibilities and things going on.

Cheers to a productive day!
